
Wondering how to make money?

You can make money on the server by doing jobs and selling items.

To see how much money you have, use /balance or /bal

To see the richest people on the server, use /balancetop or /baltop

To find jobs, use /jobs browse

You can choose up to three jobs at a time, and can always switch jobs.

Another way to make money is by selling items. There are two ways to sell items.

  1. /shop

  2. Making a chest shop for other players

By using /shop, you can buy and sell items to the server.

To make a chest shop, place down a chest and left click on it with the item you want to sell. Follow the instructions in the chat to configure the chest shop.

If you want to pay a player, use /pay [player] [amount]

List of all items that aren't in /shop

Last updated