All of these rules are subject to change based on staff’s discretion. Use common sense. If something seems like it would be punishable, it likely is.
Discord Rules
No Advertising other Minecraft servers or websites. This includes dms.
No Spamming. Do not flood any of the chats, including the voice channels.
Keep the chat clean. No excessive cursing, sexual messages, racism, homophobia, etc.
Keep all content on topic. Keep the bots in the bots channel, memes in the memes channel, etc.
No trolling and baiting. (Purposely posting messages or images with the intent of getting a negative reaction.)
No inappropriate links, images, names, or language. Links and messages cannot contain racism, pornography, gore, or any other disturbing things.
Ban Evasion. (If you are banned from this Discord, you cannot use an alternate account to join.)
Be respectful.
Minecraft Server Rules
Tp Trapping - Pushed in lava, the void, or blocked in somewhere they can’t escape.
Avoiding AFK kick (AFK Pools, Auto-Clicker, etc.)
Killing is allowed
Staff will not revive you unless your death was caused by a server issue
Ban Evasion - Joining the server with an alternate account during your ban
Griefing - Causing harm to someone’s build in or around the claim. This includes claiming near it with malicious intent.
Possession of staff items - Having OP items spawned in by staff. The player will not be punished if they report it to us themselves, the items will just be confiscated.
Impersonating Staff - Pretending to be a staff member
Staff have the final say
Use Common Sense
Lag Machines
Exploiting Bugs (Including claim killing)
Chat Rules
Slander - Spreading rumors about someone to tarnish their reputation
Excessive Cussing / Cussing directed at someone
Hate speech - Any negative comments that target a group of people (ex: racism, sexism, etc.)
Trolling and Baiting - Purposely posting messages with the intent of getting a negative reaction.
Targeted Threats
Excessive Disrespect is not allowed
Rules about lying to staff
Last updated
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